понедельник, 18 июля 2011
i have a colleage. she's simply a benchmark of beauty. i don' t know her well. we seldom talk to each other and all those conversations are about work.
i decided to get to know her better. I've opened a fake account in one of those social networks and started messaging her. is this a good idea?
common sense tells me that it's not. but I just cant tell her that i like her straightly. i just donno how... common sense #2 asks me how can u like her if u donno kno her that well? i say i donno, but i like her..... maybe this situation is a good illustration proving that Freud was right?
i decided to get to know her better. I've opened a fake account in one of those social networks and started messaging her. is this a good idea?
common sense tells me that it's not. but I just cant tell her that i like her straightly. i just donno how... common sense #2 asks me how can u like her if u donno kno her that well? i say i donno, but i like her..... maybe this situation is a good illustration proving that Freud was right?
пятница, 04 февраля 2011
Peace deads, вы все либо oh who Elly либо yeah bun null is.
четверг, 13 января 2011
В общем, у меня мнение, что особы (или "особи") с "особыми" или, так сказать, мало встречающимися в природе размерами некоторых эрогенных (может и не совсем эрогенных для кого-то) зон своего тела также имеют не совсем адекватного размера самомнение или самооценку. Они уверены, что просто будучи обладательницами такого размера прелестей они уже сделали огромный вклад в историю развития и процветания человечества и имеют безграничный запас в личностном развитии перед обычными представителями homo sapiens. По этой причине для них считается апогеем унижения хоть как-то отреагировать на казалось-бы самую скромную просьбу со стороны людей, стоящих, по их мнению, в миллиардах световых лет от них по сложности и слаженности личности.
Конечно-же есть еще одна альтернативная теория - теория заговора сисек. Согласно ей, на самом деле сиськи диктуют поведенческие мотивы обладательницы этих самых сисек. Это сразу же на подсознательном уровне осязается особями противоположного пола и при разговоре они напрямую обращаются к сиськам ибо процессом общения и мышления рулят именно они. Быть может это следствие того, что переразвитость двух полноценных "шаров" повлекло за собой неполноценность двух полушарий.
Конечно-же есть еще одна альтернативная теория - теория заговора сисек. Согласно ей, на самом деле сиськи диктуют поведенческие мотивы обладательницы этих самых сисек. Это сразу же на подсознательном уровне осязается особями противоположного пола и при разговоре они напрямую обращаются к сиськам ибо процессом общения и мышления рулят именно они. Быть может это следствие того, что переразвитость двух полноценных "шаров" повлекло за собой неполноценность двух полушарий.
пятница, 23 июля 2010
radiohead - house of cards ...
I just can't drop this song out of my head...
This summer turns out to be a bad season for me. I've lost about $5k. I've found nothing but trouble.
The only thing that lightens my day is that my parents and my bro are doing good.
Also some quite feasible biz opportunities have emerged just out of nowhere. My life is becoming zebralike.
I just can't drop this song out of my head...
This summer turns out to be a bad season for me. I've lost about $5k. I've found nothing but trouble.
The only thing that lightens my day is that my parents and my bro are doing good.
Also some quite feasible biz opportunities have emerged just out of nowhere. My life is becoming zebralike.
вторник, 27 апреля 2010
Im currently readin a book by Veller. He tries to explain the meaning of life. His point is that the purpose for existence of mankind is to put an end to our univese and trigger the start of a new one. He says that we, accidentally or not, will ultimately cause new "big bang". We were close to it when USSR tested 50 megaton bomb. Now we have BAC. He notes that progress will kill us. We already have so many things that we dont actually need. An ordinary student now lives in far more comfort than any monarch or emperor or king of 19th century. The problem is that any new generation takes what it has for granted, thus people never stop from wanting more than they have now. This is also partly due to one's inner trait to establish his significance in the eyes of those who surround him. This moves us forward towds new inventions...
понедельник, 15 марта 2010
Last Saturday i made a curious observation that had persuaded me to believe that at some extent presence of electricity puts people actually further away from each other, not brings them closer. When i came home last Saturday it was about 9:30pm and there was no electricity in my block. My bro was home and under candle-light we had the longest conversation we had during last couple of years.
вторник, 29 декабря 2009
вторник, 01 декабря 2009
Rereading what i wrote in this diary is such a fun! Initially, i started this diary just in order not to forget English and practice writing about anything, try new words and thus memorize them. This was part of my plan to get ready for gmat in some way.
I just couldnt then forsee that my job was going to steal so much time of mine. The time that i was planning to devote to preparation.
I just couldnt then forsee that my job was going to steal so much time of mine. The time that i was planning to devote to preparation.
среда, 21 октября 2009
I'm speechless...
This event has washed out all that shit that happened to me today. And at this moment i'm absolutely happy.
This event has washed out all that shit that happened to me today. And at this moment i'm absolutely happy.
четверг, 24 сентября 2009
I got to dare to get rid of that lazy idiot within me.
As the blind man (Alpo) in 'Scent of woman' said in his astonishing speech, I have to say that i've always clearly seen and known what is the right path to go in labyrinth of my life... but in most of the occasions i didnt follow it. Its now time to have courage and strong will to get into right path which takes me twds my dream... Otherwise i'm lost...
As the blind man (Alpo) in 'Scent of woman' said in his astonishing speech, I have to say that i've always clearly seen and known what is the right path to go in labyrinth of my life... but in most of the occasions i didnt follow it. Its now time to have courage and strong will to get into right path which takes me twds my dream... Otherwise i'm lost...
Length of my life - 1. Hopefully, i got many more "-1"s ahead.
четверг, 10 сентября 2009
Сижу жру борщь. В голове крутяца мысли, недающие мне спокойно пожрать. Жаль, что низя заставить моск не думать о всякой куйне, думать о которой мне не приятно.
воскресенье, 30 августа 2009
2 goals by Gunners and MU win 2-1...
понедельник, 24 августа 2009
после классно проведенных выходных, сидя на работе в понедельник утром хочецо убицо апстену...
понедельник, 17 августа 2009
Have you ever been close to death? So close that you could feel it's breath...so close that you could feel it approaching you at speed of lightning... but in final moment when you were "ready to go", you realized that it had passed you by... I've had a chance to experience that twice in my life...
There was something very useful that I got from this kind of experience... Suddenly, your life starts seeming lot easier, lot sweeter with all its toubles and problems...
Hierarchy of your values changes: you realize that you are rather a son of your parents or friend of your friends who love you no matter who you are than an employee of your company who "loves" you because you're useful... and you act accordingly...
well, i think i gotta experience that one more time, cuz i'm currently alone in the office working on that fkng neverending project whereas working time was over 6.5 hours ago...
There was something very useful that I got from this kind of experience... Suddenly, your life starts seeming lot easier, lot sweeter with all its toubles and problems...
Hierarchy of your values changes: you realize that you are rather a son of your parents or friend of your friends who love you no matter who you are than an employee of your company who "loves" you because you're useful... and you act accordingly...
well, i think i gotta experience that one more time, cuz i'm currently alone in the office working on that fkng neverending project whereas working time was over 6.5 hours ago...
суббота, 02 мая 2009
A thought has occured to me that possession of too much information makes you hesitant and halts you from acting. Because everytime before making certain decision you tend to analyze every possible variation and think of outcomes. As a result, it turns out to be that you've missed a boat...
среда, 22 апреля 2009
вторник, 10 февраля 2009
Today was silly. I finally got up at 9:45am after numerous acts of snoozing the alarm. It was an incoming call that had awoken me. I showed up for work at 11am, which means I was 2 hours late. Fortunately, my boss wasn't there. Otherwise, considering the fact that it was my 4th of 5th consecutive late arrival, I'd be looking for a new job now.
The working day has flown by at breakneck speed.
It was about 7-30pm when I was out and heading to the place where I was to meet Rustam and get my books back. I was surprised to see him bring another GMAT book for me.
After arriving home, I took couple of online tests and this is how my room looked like after my mental workouts.

Nothing else worth mentioning has happened today.
The working day has flown by at breakneck speed.
It was about 7-30pm when I was out and heading to the place where I was to meet Rustam and get my books back. I was surprised to see him bring another GMAT book for me.
After arriving home, I took couple of online tests and this is how my room looked like after my mental workouts.

Nothing else worth mentioning has happened today.