1. 1985 24sept.- came to life
2. 1988-91 - years in kindergarten.
Main discoveries & events:
People may sleep at noontime
What's on Gorbachev's head is not a spot of blood
Doctors are evil
Funny language - English
Not only parents may punish you
Morning exercises
First feeling of envy
Santa exists
Santa is a fib
First pet - puppy
First tricycle
First scar
First "crime" - escape from kindergarten
Strong belief that a pomegranate can explode and kill you when thrown
Fear of policemen, who may imprison misbehaving kids
First time in stadium to watch soccer.
Movie Idol of that time: Bruce Lee
Lovely thing on tv: "Ню Паггади!"
Moments of curiousity:
Why I don have a sister?
When will I grow up?
Why grown up people cry?
3. 1991-96 years at school
to be continued...