

new year proves its status: somebody's stolen my dog...

@настроение: got better when i was informed that today's wednesday, not monday



I dont know what has happened to this week but it turned out to be full of adventurous and at the same time very risky days.
Today was really hot day in all the possible meanings. The day started as usual. Everything appeared to be under control. Mobile of my partner was active, which brought another point of confidence to my account. However, with gradual flow of time, something started to go wrong... Deadline for completion of what had been promised the day before was fast approaching, but the partner never hurried to show up. Taking into account that considerable amount of money was at stake, I started getting nervous... Actually, not the money was the reason for that... the reason was that I was getting close to being marked with a "windbag" sticker... The partner started playing "+30 minutes" game which put completion of the deal under disastrous threat. The threat has been finally eliminated at the expense of breach of the code of conduct at the workplace...
Exprience I gained as a result of this is invaluable.
The morale I got would be close to smth like this: Play a game if no player is able to affect the rules of it.



As I have realized just a few hours ago, tomorrow is going to be a hard day. I will have to find some time to visit couple of interesting places and meet some new people. Everything that could have happened this week seems to happen tomorrow which makes me a little mad about it. Hopefully everything's gonna go according to my plan.

@музыка: pleasant silence



there are times when holdin all possible qualifications, having mountains of experience on your shoulders, being top student of Harvard and even being a Noble Prize Laureate...doesnt keep you from stupidity...
that's what i like and hate most in life and in human nature...

Are They Lying to You?
Thursday October 18, 3:00 am ET
By Ken Osborn

How many times has your business suffered because you trusted the wrong person? If you're like most people, you've been lied to thousands of times.

Deception hurts in many ways. There's the emotional stress from being betrayed, the loss of self-confidence and the increased suspicion or even paranoia. Not to mention the financial cost.

A deceptive supplier may promise that a shipment will arrive by your deadline, all the while knowing that delivery by the promised date is impossible. Trusting this supplier could cost your company thousands of dollars or more. Deceptions like this can be deadly to a growing business.

But you don't have to be a victim. Here are seven subtle cues that often mean a person isn't being completely honest with you.

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it was interesting to read what she wrote even though some of her writings were imho paranoid...but, i guess, whatever she wrote was not a result of her personality's inner desire to show-off...the diary of hers was a genuine diary, the one which is not kept with the aim of impressing others... some of her recent posts were beautiful...that's what i think of her diary...
what i think of herself....she seems to be too critical of herself...after all small tits is nothing when you got big heart)...

@настроение: unstoppable desire to make everyone happier...

...sometimes door is closed to get somebody out of your private space.... sometimes you just want to hear somebody knock your door...

@музыка: knock knock


am I insane?

oh YEAH!

В древнем иврите еврейская буква вав соответствовала английскому звуку и букве w.
Bуква вав одновременно является знаком 6. (Такова особенность иврита — там буква является одновременно цифрой.) Тогда получается, что наша распространённая аббревиатура «www» читалась на древнем иврите как «666» или «6 6 6»!

@настроение: inspired by the beauty of her "blue" eyes...



1. 1985 24sept.- came to life
2. 1988-91 - years in kindergarten.

Main discoveries & events:
People may sleep at noontime
What's on Gorbachev's head is not a spot of blood
Doctors are evil
Funny language - English
Not only parents may punish you
Morning exercises
First feeling of envy
Santa exists
Santa is a fib
First pet - puppy
First tricycle
First scar
First "crime" - escape from kindergarten
Strong belief that a pomegranate can explode and kill you when thrown
Fear of policemen, who may imprison misbehaving kids
First time in stadium to watch soccer.
Movie Idol of that time: Bruce Lee
Lovely thing on tv: "Ню Паггади!"

Moments of curiousity:
Why I don have a sister?
When will I grow up?
Why grown up people cry?

3. 1991-96 years at school

to be continued...

@настроение: nostalgic


Ads on tv are one of the most hated things for most of the people. However some of them deserve attention and respect. I've recently seen two ads which stand out of a crowd: 1. Financial Times magazine ad on Euronews 2. Nike ad on Russian TV. These ads are not regular ones, which merely point out strenghts and advantages of a product. Messages wrapped in these two ads are a lot farsighted.

@музыка: s-iv

@настроение: gg



first thing that comes into my mind when i read her posts is - she's totally out of her mind... some of her posts together with avatars could, imho, be very effectively used as a tool of euthanasia for a lot of people with weak psyche... however nonsense is never absolute... strange feeling that she's intellectually brilliant persists within me...

There is no clue in my head what's going to happen with my life in few years. Of course I have plans for future, but having plans and keeping to them do not always guarantee success in terms of ultimate result. When someone has mutlitude of opportunities and realization of any one of those opportunities could potentially paint this person's future in desired colors, he may face a big dilemma - which one to stick to. That's the situation I have right now. The problem is: I can't use all of these oppotrunities simultaneously. And what's more ridiculous is that I guess I have already exceeded time limit to choose one of them. Reflecting on this situation I think that having a single oppotrunity is sometimes more useful than having tons of opportunities because when someone has only one opportunity s/he takes immediate steps to seize it. However if you got several equally valuable opportunities you may become lost in your way to select the most compelling one and ultimately miss a chance to use any of them. Logically, why not to select any one of those multiple opportunities and see what happens next? My most hated feelings hold me back from acting this way - fear of the unknown which brings the fear of failure. In case when you have only one way to go, you might have fear of the unknown but it doesnt make you fear of failure because you got nothing to loose.



i think i don have emotions.....i react calmly and indifferently to such things which might have shocked any other human being...i am too rational....but sometimes something brakes down within me and i become explosive...agressive... this is applicable to situations when someone acts unfairly or laughs at someone's inherent and unchangable traits...like appearance... but most of the times i explode when someone's views or even a physical presence is ignored by surrounding ppl just because of his material status, which is reflected in the way he's clothed...people who put themselves to higher stair than others based on their material state are simply SHIT...
these are my current thoughts...someone may simply laugh at them but i dont give a fuck...someone may decide that i've been a victim of ppl described above....they'd be partially right, but as time passes people change...dark goes bright....or sometimes even darker....and vice versa. i admit i've exprienced such situations long time before, and many others go through this...and many fail to realize that all that is simply unworthy of their emotional distress...lots of guys have chosen to become different, to behave in a way respected and accepted by others...and thus betray their inner voice that tells what's right...their behavior and actions are based on what other ppl in their surrounding would think of it...I think this is just losing self...because when their surrounding changes they will simply copy lines of behaviour of new surrounding...i ve seen a lot of guys went broke in early stages of their life this way...thus it's important to realize that not everything accepted by majority among your immediate surrounding /classmates, peers, colleagues/ is right...

...охота за бумажным счастьем уже становицца культурной ценностью...
sometimes it is sad to realize that the dream of Lenin hasnt come true... although I am not a great fan of communism, but imho that semi-acheived communism was far better than today's Uzbek capitalism. I've once asked a 3rd grader kiddo whom he wished to become in future...the answer was a Judge...He didn have a slightest idea of what Judges do, but becoming a judge was not a choice of his own but of his parents...if things will be moving the same way and given the same risks, but higher material return (compared to profession of judge), some day will come when parents would be happy to see their children robbin banks or smth. like that... i hope im wrong in my judgements...
is it right when an ultimate goal of a wo/man becomes getting RICH out of envy,or unrequited love or as a revenge to the ppl from her/his miserable past ...Well, I am not against of getting rich...I am against of situations when a guy whom you thought was a nice one suddenly betrays you for his material benefit...or when a girl is made (by her parents) to become a wife of (actually a poor) guy from a rich family...or when your friend of childhood forgets your name because of a sudden fortune fallen on his head (and when you acheive a greater fortune or when he loses his, suddenly remembers to call you and ask wussp...)
as one of my Brazilian friends used to say - "this is fuckin ridiculous!"...
and as one highly respected Jamaican guy used to sing - "don worry, be happy!"

@настроение: philosophic

начался полет бенджика и ко....знач скоро осень

@музыка: неизвестная для меня

твайужежмадть! старые привыдчки опять сделали свойо дело и...йа в паутине не паук, а добыча иво...такшо пока песдетц не подкрался до убойного расстойанийа...йа решил заняццо менее приятной процедурой-подготовкой к ГМАТу ...и свалить ацюда поскорей.
всегг с пйадниццой 13...!

@музыка: депеш моуд - прешъс

@настроение: бракованное



фчерашнее начало рабочего дня не предвесчало ничего плохого, но после обеда

ко мне подходит наш клиент из Греции. я думаю про себя - раз уж он решил подойти ко мне то у него опять проблемы...и тут все началось...

он грит (по англицки), кароч.. мне денхи не дают. йа хотел евро обексченджить а девушки из обменки грят шо низя. Йа иво успокаиваю и иду к нашему бутику "Каренси Иксчеиндж"...сморю дефушки сидят денхи шитают. Говорю каково х деньги иностранцу не дали?...они: сумофф нет нифига! ... ессно я не мог дать такойже ответ греку. Захожу в валютный отдел к начальнегу бутика. а он бля СПИТ у компа, сцуко...еле иво разбудив обясняю ситуацию... он выходит....идет к бутику переспрашивает...получает тотже ответ...и выполняет строго засекреченную магенадцию после которой цумики чудесным образом появляюцца в бутике. я подзываю грека...и пока дефушки считают иво денхи.. он мне начинает жаловацца типа всегда тут у вас проблемы, никада сходу тут деньги не иксченджил...Я отвечаю што он фсигда приходит в самый неподходяший момент. поетому так все и получаецца.

тут он продолжает жаловацца насчет сервиса, персонала, аДмосперы итд итп...и подконец спрашивает: а када мне подходить утром? вечером? ты мне точное время скажи.

я перевожу етот вопрос началнегу бутика (про остальное он уже знал и без перевода). а он в ответ: ОСЕНЬЮ

тут я завис ненадолго, потом спросил у началнега уверен ли он штоб я греку перевел ево ответ. он грит переводи.

ну и Х сним подумал я и сказал греку: кам ин оутм...

дальше все происходило как в страшном сне...но мне было пх так как йа токо помогал ентому гребанному валютному отделу...понять ентого есче более долбаного (в глазах отдела) грека.

но все закончилось хэппи ендом как фсигда...я пожал руку улыбаюшимуця греку и мы разошлись миром.

@музыка: Акон фт. Чамиллионер - райдинг

@настроение: странное



ток што пришел с футбола...победили мы. в субботу официальный матч против сильной команды...оч хочецца выграть

аа..исчо на уикенде наконедцтаки хочу пойти в кЮэЦ...если он есче открыт...

оч хочедца узнать шожеттакое

@музыка: атб-хипнотик бич (beach.. бля)

@настроение: вчерашнее

в последнее фремя я ничем толковым не занят...и енто меня бесит