...охота за бумажным счастьем уже становицца культурной ценностью...
sometimes it is sad to realize that the dream of Lenin hasnt come true... although I am not a great fan of communism, but imho that semi-acheived communism was far better than today's Uzbek capitalism. I've once asked a 3rd grader kiddo whom he wished to become in future...the answer was a Judge...He didn have a slightest idea of what Judges do, but becoming a judge was not a choice of his own but of his parents...if things will be moving the same way and given the same risks, but higher material return (compared to profession of judge), some day will come when parents would be happy to see their children robbin banks or smth. like that... i hope im wrong in my judgements...
is it right when an ultimate goal of a wo/man becomes getting RICH out of envy,or unrequited love or as a revenge to the ppl from her/his miserable past ...Well, I am not against of getting rich...I am against of situations when a guy whom you thought was a nice one suddenly betrays you for his material benefit...or when a girl is made (by her parents) to become a wife of (actually a poor) guy from a rich family...or when your friend of childhood forgets your name because of a sudden fortune fallen on his head (and when you acheive a greater fortune or when he loses his, suddenly remembers to call you and ask wussp...)
as one of my Brazilian friends used to say - "this is fuckin ridiculous!"...
and as one highly respected Jamaican guy used to sing - "don worry, be happy!"

@настроение: philosophic

21.09.2007 в 21:16

da ty stanovishsya filosofom