
another test

Какой Ваш реальный возраст и сколько Вы проживете? (Триникси)

Ваш реальный возраст 22 лет/года

Вы проживете еще 47 лет/года

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actually I planned to live a lil more than that



Сложные аналогии
Тест применяется для оценки логического мышления. За 3 минуты необходимо найти аналогии между соответствующими парами слов в левом и правом столбцах.
Ваш результат:
Вы продемонстрировали просто феноменТальный уровень логического мышления.



Сканер логического мышления. Умеете ли Вы думать или Вам это только кажется (Триникси)

Вы - Анатолий Вассерман!
Вы - Гений! Вы - самый умный!
Вами восхищаются, Вас уважают.
Вы - кумир всех победителей олимпиад по математике и физике.

Правильных ответов: 17/20

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Все, что мне нужно, чтобы больше НИКОГДА не работать - $2.315.016. А тебе?



Yesterday i for the first time realized that my habit of deleting msgs automatically after readin them is really very stupid one. I was just about to call to the number which i kept in my memory, but an incomin call from an unidentified number has made it impossible to recall the number. Now i am in really embarrasing situation cos my curiousity is eatin me.


my friends

always together


talking shit

® (00:42:42 19/04/2008)
ne razrevis' toka

® (00:43:05 19/04/2008)
nekotoryie posty byli sdelani v moment NETREZVOGO sosotoyaniya organizma

KOMILTO'RA (00:43:18 19/04/2008)

KOMILTO'RA (00:44:16 19/04/2008)
че за завод?

® (00:44:34 19/04/2008)
blyat' 4 mikrorayon uzbekistan, gulstan,

KOMILTO'RA (00:44:48 19/04/2008)
вай желеп

® (00:45:07 19/04/2008)
vid s tretyego etaja doma

® (00:45:20 19/04/2008)
s protivopolojnoy storony vid ne luchshe

® (00:45:45 19/04/2008)
luchshe smoret' v unitaz u sebya na kvartire ito luchshe i veseleyy vidok

KOMILTO'RA (00:45:56 19/04/2008)

Слушаю: Kelly Rowland - Work (Freemasons Radio Edit)
® (00:47:37 19/04/2008)
sanhakinda yozaman bu sapar

KOMILTO'RA (00:47:53 19/04/2008)

® (00:48:03 19/04/2008)
nima yozi?

KOMILTO'RA (00:48:19 19/04/2008)
иш кидирвотти диб ёз

KOMILTO'RA (00:48:32 19/04/2008)
талантливый долбоёп дип

® (00:48:52 19/04/2008)
mani dnevnigimmi poseshyayemosti bilan san yana kamida 70yil kidirasan ish

KOMILTO'RA (00:49:08 19/04/2008)

KOMILTO'RA (00:49:13 19/04/2008)
торговая палата нима иш килади

® (00:49:20 19/04/2008)
a hz

Слушаю: Oasis - Bittersweet Symphony (Cruel Intentions)
® (00:49:39 19/04/2008)
organizaciya vystavok, podderjka predprinimateley

® (00:49:46 19/04/2008)

KOMILTO'RA (00:49:57 19/04/2008)
шотка кирип туримикан? иш таклиф килишвотти

KOMILTO'RA (00:50:17 19/04/2008)
воктинча босаям?


i lolled

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this is our sunny country!!!

I have an interesting job with nice perspectives which is not boring and cannot be classified as a dull routine. Lots of guys graduated from my university work with me. Everyday is full of interesting stories and funny moments. This makes my work even more valuable and keeps me tuned. But about 3 months ago I was ready to kill my boss and gettaf0ckoutathere. First couple of months after being hired I had a feeling that im surrounded by robots. Ppl seemed to be kinda pogrammed to perform certain tasks and were completely unaware of how to perform those tasks more effectively. I made a conclusion that every motherf0cker who has a basic knowledge of MS Office package can work in this kind of bank. It was sad to hear guy talking that he does hell lot of work and see that what he does is summing up certain values in Excel table using hand calculator and typing in the result back into excel worksheet. That's crazy.

go fuck yourself

just killing time now and posting comments on sun

Wanna go and buy lg gr-u302 rlc metal.



We had a small herd of sheep in my town. 5 or 6 sheep were in that herd. I used to be a shepherd. I liked to do shepherding and liked our sheep. Usually sheep give birth in winter. So one of very cold winter days was the day when one of our sheep had given birth to twins. The twins were perfectly snowwhite. I was very glad. I was about 8 or 9 years old then. However, a week after the birthday of the twins mother-sheep had died. We took the twins home. I used to feed them with a cowmilk everyday and was really concerned with their well being. They were so cute. But one day they both died. I cant forget that day... I had cried for a day and missed school...



Elvira Madigan (December 4, 1867 – July 20, 1889) was a Danish tightrope walker and trick rider, whose illicit affair and dramatic death at the hands of her lover were the subject of a famous Swedish film from 1967.

She was born Hedvig Antoinette Isabella Eleonore Jensen in Flensburg in northern Germany. Her mother was a Norwegian circus performer and her father a Danish stablemaster. Her mother later lived with the American circus manager John Madigan.

While performing in Sweden with her stepfather's circus, she met a Swedish cavalry officer, Lieutenant Count Bengt Edvard Sixten Sparre (born September 27, 1854). Sparre and Madigan fell in love, but their love was impossible, partly due to the fact that Sparre was married and the father of two children. After exchanging love letters for a year, they ran away together to Denmark in June 1889, where they spent about a month. When they ran out of money, they packed a picnic basket, went out to the Nørreskov ("North forest") on the island Tåsinge, Denmark, and had a last meal, after which Sparre shot Madigan and himself with his service revolver. Madigan was 21 years old and Sparre 35 years old. It was 20 July, 1889.

Madigan's and Sparre's grave is situated on the cemetery of Landet on Tåsinge and is still today visited by tourists and lovers from all over the world. Their tragic love story has some resemblance to the Austrian Mayerling drama, where Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria and his lover took their lives in January 1889.

source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvira_Madigan

Alcohol, drugs, food, sex, and even shopping are all candidates for medical treatment and are recognized as genuine mental disorders, so what about the Internet? Internet addiction -defined as "excessive gaming, sexual pre-occupations, and email/text messaging" - is becoming so common that at least one psychiatrist says it merits inclusion in psychiatry's official handbook of mental illness, the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders."

Dr. Jerald Block of the Oregon Health and Science University is the latest voice pushing for this inclusion, noting that tech junkies display genuinely debilitating behavior, including drug-like cravings, withdrawal, and a constant need for more and better gear - just like a substance addict might exhibit.

But other doctors comment that Internet addiction, while it may be real, is too new of a condition and needs further study before being medically classified. There might be something to this: No one wants people being medicated or institutionalized if they aren't genuinely ill.

The "Manual of Mental Disorders" won't be published again until 2012, but an early draft will arrive for public comment in 2009. Meanwhile, mind docs say the problem is growing, now possibly affecting up to 10 percent of Internet users. Recent studies are surprising, indicating the problem is worst not among game-obsessed teens, but rather among middle-aged women who stay at home, constantly on the computer as a way of connecting to the outside world.
Is computer use (or computer downtime) causing a problem in your life? If so, you might be an addict. But you'll have to wait a few more years to find out for sure.

source: tech.yahoo.com/blogs/null/87251


bash rules

M@xlennon: нужны видео любого балета "лебединое озеро" чайковского! у кого есть??? или дайте сцылку!!!
Golkond: к гос. перевороту готовишься ?
M@xlennon: не понял???? :-?
|3erserk: Молодой еще .... ;-)



very impressive film...



Заняться сексом с Анджелиной Джоли могут только 2 человека: Бред Питт и ночной сторож музея мадам Тюссо.

@музыка: nickelback


im a ghost

Итак, ты - Призрак!
Ты никому и ничему не служишь. Ты – воплощенная беспристрастность. И… воплощенная бесплотность… Но, ведь ты – вполне самостоятельно живущий разум! Разум, который помнит. Помнит бесконечно многое… Никому не ведомы причины того, почему ты все еще вмешиваешься в дела живых. А ты – незримый свидетель ВСЕГО… И твое вмешательство способно повернуть ход истории… А может… ты и есть Рука Судьбы? Кто знает… Бесполезная просьба, и все же: будь милосерднее к нашим героям. image
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