I have an interesting job with nice perspectives which is not boring and cannot be classified as a dull routine. Lots of guys graduated from my university work with me. Everyday is full of interesting stories and funny moments. This makes my work even more valuable and keeps me tuned. But about 3 months ago I was ready to kill my boss and gettaf0ckoutathere. First couple of months after being hired I had a feeling that im surrounded by robots. Ppl seemed to be kinda pogrammed to perform certain tasks and were completely unaware of how to perform those tasks more effectively. I made a conclusion that every motherf0cker who has a basic knowledge of MS Office package can work in this kind of bank. It was sad to hear guy talking that he does hell lot of work and see that what he does is summing up certain values in Excel table using hand calculator and typing in the result back into excel worksheet. That's crazy.