2 months full of extreme have passed since my last note in the diary. There were moments when I thought i was done.
Another couple of stressful months are waiting for me...and after that...there be light..


2b or not 2b

i'm going to do something. it is illegal to do so. i have no other way to go, as i think.
as a result of this act i'll either get rid of heavy stone of problems which's sunk within me or...get rid of my future.
i love my parents....my only wish is to see them happy. always...


She seems to be unreachable. Everythin she says, everythin she does is filled with brightness... She's so beautiful... She's wise... She's not afraid of change... She likes challenge... that's what i think 'bout her......... but i'll never be able to tell that to herself...i cant tell such words... my feelings, emotions never get outside...donno why that's so but if i look at myself from the point of independent observer i see somebody devoid of feelings...
...possibly i'm wrong in my judgements...



i'll be a happy owner of Toyota Camry Sport)))))


We do not build our lives from start to end. till we reach a certain age when we are able to decide on our future more or less independently our lives are in the hands of our parents.

They choose our kindergartens, they choose schools we go.

Consequently, people surrounding us there and atmosphere there, is not selectable by us. We just accept that as it is and our first impression of the world is created under influence of what our parents have chosen for us.

More importantly, we are much more influenced by initial values that we inherit from our parents. What's important for them is important for us, what's wrong for them is also wrong for us.

In other words, we do not draw a picture of the world by ourselves. Because first artists who do that for us are our parents. They are layers of foundation.

The question is how accurately that foundation was laid. So that it is strong enough to build up a reliable, beautiful and healthy building in future with our own hands.

teachers, neighbors, movies.........
in most of the cases ur society, community u're part of defines who u're and who u'll become... it's not easy to fuck the rules of ur community....cuz u'll be fucked by it sooner or later...unless u're strong enough psychologically and are able to influence or change values of people surroundin u.

позаимствовано у Amicus Plato...(п м Г)

- В будущем компьютеры будут весить не более чем 1.5 тонны (Popular Mechanics, 1949 г.).

- Думаю, что на мировом рынке мы найдем спрос для пяти компьютеров. (Thomas Watson - директор компании IBM, 1943 г.)

- Я изъездил эту страну вдоль и поперек, общался с умнейшими людьми, и я могу вам ручаться в том, что обработка данных является лишь причудой, мода на которую продержится не больше года. (Редактор издательства Prentice Hall, 1957 г.)

Продолжение- Но, что... может быть полезного в этой штуке? (Вопрос на обсуждении создания микрочипа в Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968 г.)

- Ни у кого не может возникнуть необходимость иметь компьютер в доме. (Ken Olson - основатель и президент компании Digital Equipment Corp., 1977 г.)

- Такое устройство, как телефон, имеет слишком много недостатков, чтобы рассматривать его как средство связи. Поэтому считаю, что данное изобретение не имеет никакой ценности. (гИз обсуждений в компании Western Union в 1876 г.)

- Концепция интересна и хорошо оформлена. Но для того чтобы идея начала работать, она должна содержать здравый смысл. (Профессура Yale University в ответ на предложение Фреда Смита об организации сервиса доставки на дом; Fred Smith станет основателем службы доставки Federal Express Corp.)

- Да кого, к чертям, интересуют разговоры актеров? (Реакция H.M.Warner - Warner Brothers на использование звука в кинематографе. 1927 г.)

- Нам не нравится их звук, и вообще, гитара - это вчерашний день. (Decca Recording Cо, отклонившая запись альбома группы The Beatles в 1962 г.)

- Летающие машины весом тяжелее воздуха невозможны! (Lord Kelvin - президент Королевского Общества - Royal Society - 1895 г.)

- Бурение земли в поисках нефти? Вы имеете в виду, что надо сверлить землю для того, чтобы найти нефть? Вы сошли с ума. (Ответ на проект Edvin L. Drike в 1859 г.)

- Самолеты - интересные игрушки, но никакой военной ценности они не представляют. (Marechal Ferdinand Foch, профессор).

- Теория Луи Пастера о микробах - смешная фантазия. (Pierre Pachet- профессор психологии университета Тулузы, 1872 г.)

- 640 КБ должно быть достаточно для каждого. (Bill Gates, 1981г.)

- 100 миллионов долларов - слишком большая цена за Microsoft. (IBM, 1982г.)



Lately I've been feeling rising anxiety within me. The reason is the extreme optimism cupidity that was reigning in my mind when I made that step. That stupid and very unthoughtful act is now eating me from within. More precisely, it is realization of what I've done that's killing me. Can't believe that I hold an hons degree in finance. I start hating myself, but that's not a way out. Guess I gotta reinstall my brains.


wot's goinon

we've been to mountains on the 7th of june
plannin to make another trip there on the 21st
now watchin soccer and supporting Croatia, Russia and Turkey.
everythin is oK...
2 problems that must be solved by 28th of June:
1. Bro's accomodation in the US.
2. 7k $$

Город над вольной Невой,
Где болеют за «Зенит» родной,
Слушай, Ленинград, я тебе спою
Задушевную песню свою.

Мы твои верные друзья,
Будем вдохновлять тебя всегда.
Сектор 33 – в непогоду, в зной
Мы душою и сердцем с тобой.

Если тебе нелегко,
Будешь ты от дома далеко,
Мы с тобой, «Зенит», мы с тобой всегда,
Ты не будешь один никогда!

Если соперник «Спартак»,
Ты не забывай своих атак.
«Гамбург» и «Рапид», всех он победит,
Наш родной ленинградский «Зенит»!

Я хочу, чтоб флаг голубой
Реял над всем миром и страной.
Кубок УЕФА наш «Зенит» возьмет
И победную песню споет!

@настроение: суперпупердастисфантастиш

@темы: в небе звездочка горит - это питерский ЗЕНИТ!!!



two days ago i met someone wearing blue and long gymshoes or trainers or wotever....i have some ideas about who she was but not so sure...alas couldnt catch her face....

reliability check on:

very little info on company on the site (no history)


The Client acknowledges that from time to time, and for any reason, the Online Service may not be operational or otherwise unavailable for his/her use due to servicing, hardware malfunction, software defect, service or transmission interruption or other cause, and he/she agrees to hold MGI and any provider harmless from liability of any damage
which results from the unavailability of the Online Service.

comment: suppose client has opened a long position for Eur/usd at 1.54 and usd fell to 1.60 per euro. So the client, who has already started imagining himself lying surrounded by hottest girls in one of the beaches of ruling resort tries to close the position and secure his profit. BUT Online Service is unavailable...and becomes available when the rate is 1.535...NIGHTMARE...

MGI may, in its sole discretion, terminate or restrict the Client’s access to the Online Service and may terminate this Agreement at any time. Upon termination, any software license granted to the Client herein shall automatically terminate.

comment: if i've an open position yielding say 20K USD, which im about to close, the company can terminate the agreement and i'm legally fucked up

The Client agrees to indemnify and hold MGI (and MGI directors, officers, employees, control persons, vendors, licensors and agents) harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) arising out of or related to this Agreement and due to any error that the Client fail to correct or arrange for MGI to correct (if possible).This indemnification shall be binding upon the Client and the Client’s executors, administrators, heirs, successors and permitted assigns and will survive termination of this Agreement.

comment: wow, clients are also resposible for keeping the company's ass off fire! if I "fail to arrange for MGI to correct" any error (as the source of error or cause of error is not defined or described) i breach the Holy Agreement.

Neither MGI nor any provider shall be liable in anyway to the Client or to any other person for:
a) Any inaccuracy, error or delay in, or omission of any such data, information or message or the transmission or delivery of any such data, information or message; or
b) Any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by any such inaccuracy, error, delay, omission, non performance, interruption in any such data, information or message, due either to any negligent act or omission or to any condition of force majeure or any other cause, whether or not within MGI or any provider's control.

no comments...

Well, i conclude that the company has NO OBLIGATIONS at all...

i do not want to stay here anymore.


y m i here?

y i xst if i cant delta anythin?
just grain of sand...dependent of ocean waves



i have been into an accident today. a car has almost knoked me down. it hit me but i didnt fall. now sittin on my chair in front of my pc i feel the pain.

ll l ll
ll l l ll
ll l l ll
ll l l ll
ll l l ll
ll l l ll
ll l l ll
1000 l l 100*10
l l
l l

только что узнал из ЖЖ. Случилось это 12-4-8.


cant stop

Какой автомобиль Вам подходит? (Триникси)

Ваш идеальный автомобиль

Audi Q7

Ваш идеальный автомобиль - это Audi Q7

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